Customise Searchkit Schema
When addToQueryType
is true, searchkit will add a results
field to the SDL which will use the Searchkit Resolver. For some, you may not want the field to be added to the root Query type and want to configure where the field should be. With addToQueryType set to false and putting in your own field in the SDL.
const moviesSearchConfig: SearchkitConfig = {
host: 'http://localhost:9200',
index: 'documents',
hits: {
fields: ['title', 'description']
query: new MultiMatchQuery({ fields: ['title', 'description'] })
const { typeDefs, withSearchkitResolvers, context } = SearchkitSchema(
typeName: 'ResultSet',
hitTypeName: "ResultHit",
config: moviesSearchConfig,
addToQueryType: false
const combinedTypeDefs = [
type Account {
id: ID!
results(query: String, filters: [SKFiltersSet], page: SKPageInput): ResultSet
type ResultHit implements SKHit {
id: ID!
fields: ResultFields
type ResultFields {
title: String
description: String
extend type Query {
account(id: String): Account
`, ...typeDefs
const server = new ApolloServer({
typeDefs: combinedTypeDefs,
resolvers: withSearchkitResolvers({
Query: {
account: () => ({
id: 1
Account: {
results: SearchkitResolver
introspection: true,
playground: true,
context: {
will enable a graphql query below and use the two searchkit configurations to return results
account(id: "1") {
results(query: "test") {
hits {
items {
... on ResultHit {
fields {