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Query and Boosting

Within Searchkit configuration, you can specify how you want to transform the query string into an elasticsearch query. Out of the box there are two options:

  • MultiMatch Query
  • Custom Query

MultiMatch Query​

Allows you to query multiple fields + adjustments on how important each field is.

import {MultiMatchQuery} from '@searchkit/sdk';

const searchkitConfig = {
query: new MultiMatchQuery({fields: ['title^2', 'description']}),

The above example will use the incoming query value and return documents which the query value match in either title or description. Title is boosted to 2x, making documents with a match in the title appear first on the result set.

Custom Query​

Allows you to have full control over the what the elasticsearch query should be, using the elasticsearch Query DSL.

import {CustomQuery} from '@searchkit/sdk';

const searchkitConfig = {
query: new CustomQuery({
queryFn: (query, qm) => {
// access current sort by option using the queryManager
const sortLabel = qm.getSortBy()?.label;
// access current filters applied to the search
const filters = qm.getFilters();

return {
bool: {
must: [
wildcard: {
field: {
value: query + '*',
boost: 1.0,
rewrite: 'constant_score',

Query Options​

When you need to be able to provide some sort of options at query time. Examples include:

  • Advanced Search UI where customer can specify what fields to search by
  • Customer wants to adjust which fields are the most relevant for their search

You can do this by using QueryOptions and CustomQuery.

const request = Searchkit(config);
const response = await request
fields: ['title^2', 'description^1'],
hits: {
size: 10,
from: 0,

and adjust the customQuery function to change the DSL based on the options

const config: SearchkitConfig = {
host: 'http://localhost:9200',
index: 'movies',
hits: {
fields: ['actors', 'writers']
query: new CustomQuery({
queryFn: (query, queryManager) => {
const queryFields = queryManager.getQueryOptions()?.fields || []
const mustBools = => {
const matches = qf.match(/(.+)\^(\d)/)
return {
wildcard: {
[matches[1]]: {
value: query + '*',
boost: matches[2],
rewrite: 'constant_score'
return {
bool: {
must: mustBools

If you want to see the query thats being requested to Elasticsearch, use the DEBUG_MODE=true environment variable to log the query at every request. see Debug Logging