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Result Grouping

Group results based on shared fields. When configured with a innerHits configuration, will bring back the most relevant documents for the group.

Total results do not take into account the grouping so total hits will be more than the actual number of hits. This may give unexpected pagination experiences.


With Searchkit SDK. Will distinct results that share the same value within the designername.keyword field.

const searchkitConfig = {
host: 'http://localhost:9200',
collapse: {
field: 'designername.keyword',
hits: {
fields: ['name', 'designername']
index: 'test'

const response = await Searchkit(searchkitConfig).execute()

Example with Inner Hits​

To bring back the documents for each grouping, you can use the innerHits configuration. the innerHits configuration is part of the elasticsearch configuration for inner_hits

const searchkitConfig = {
host: 'http://localhost:9200',
collapse: {
field: 'designername.keyword',
innerHits: {
size: 4,
_source: ["title"],
sort: [{"productScore": "desc"}]
hits: {
fields: ['name', 'designername']
index: 'test'

const response = await Searchkit(searchkitConfig).execute()