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Query & Highlighting

Query API​

Performs a query to Elasticsearch returning documents matching the query within the index. Searchkit will transform the response into a friendly API

const skConfig = {
host: '',
index: 'movies',
hits: {
fields: ['title', 'plot', 'poster'],
highlightFields: ['title'],
query: new MultiMatchQuery({
fields: ['plot', 'title^4'],

const response = await Searchkit(config)
hits: {
from: 0,
size: 10,


fieldsfields to be queried. See elasticsearch documentation for more information on options

Example response​

"hits": {
"items": [
"fields": {
"title": "heat",
"plot": "plot text",
"poster": "http://cdn.url/poster"
"highlight": {
"title": "<em>heat</em>"
"id": "idofDocument"
// ...9 further items
"page": {
"from": 0,
"pageNumber": 0,
"size": 10,
"total": 11,
"totalPages": 2
"sortedBy": undefined,
"summary": {
"appliedFilters": [],
"disabledFilters": [],
"query": "heat",
"sortOptions": [],
"total": 11


When the field is specified in the highlightFields option, the searchkit will highlight the matching terms in the response, under the highlight object. The highlight object will contain the field name as key and an array of highlighted terms as value.


Allows you to pass a function which will return an elasticsearch query filter. See Query DSL for what options are available. This is great for when you have a query in mind to use.


import {CustomQuery} from '@searchkit/sdk';

const searchkitConfig = {
query: new CustomQuery({
queryFn: (query, qm) => {
return {
bool: {
must: [
wildcard: {
field: {
value: query + '*',
boost: 1.0,
rewrite: 'constant_score',


queryFn(query, queryManager)Function. Returns an array of filters. Query argument is the query string. queryManager argument is a class that keeps the query and filters that have been applied to search. For example you may want to adjust the query DSL based on what filters have been selected